

Abatacept (a short profile)

Acanthosis nigricans (causes)

Accelerated hypertension (definition - in image)

Acute adrenal crisis (a short note-in image)

acute febrile neutrophilic dermatosis (short note)

Acute pancreatitis (causes- image) (complications-image)

Acute upper GI bleeding (risk stratification)

Adalimumab (a short profile)

Addison's disease (causes)

Alport’s syndrome (short note)

Amenorrhea (causes)

Anaemia in CKD (causes)

Anakinra (a short profile

ANCA- Antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (short note)

Anterior circulation (of the brain)

Antipsychotic drugs (available drugs- image)

Antidepressant drugs (available drugs - image)

Arrhenoblastoma (definition)

Arterial and venous thrombosis (causes) (differences)

Artery of Adamkiewicz (small note)

Asherman's syndrome (definition)

Asthma (definition of various types)

Astrocytes (types)

Atopic eczema (diagnostic criteria) (distribution- in image)

Atrial Flutter/atrial fibrillation (causes)

Autoimmune hepatitis (differences between the subtypes)

AV block (causes of the First-degree block)

Avascular necrosis (definition, common sites, diagnosis and management - in image)

AVN- avascular necrosis (of the femoral head) (causes


Bacteria (cell wall formation)

Bartter’s syndrome (short note) (differences with Gitelman’s and Liddle’s syndrome)

Behçet’s disease (diagnostic criteria) (syndrome)

Belimumab (a short profile)

Biological drugs (in inflammatory rheumatic diseases)

BISAP score (score and interpretation)

Blood supply (to the brain) (to the spinal cord)

Boerhaave’s syndrome (short note)

Brain (parts or classifications)

Brain death (diagnostic criteria)

BSH criteria (for PV)

Budd-Chiari syndrome (short note)


c-ANCA (short note)

Canakinumab (a short profile)

CAP- Community-acquired pneumonia (antibiotics recommendation - in image)

Carbamazepine (autoinduction)

Cardiac death (causes of SCD)

Cardiac troponins (causes of raised troponins)

Carcinoma head of the pancreas (its difference with CBD stone)

CAT assessment (for COPD)

Cavernous sinus syndrome (short note)

CBD stone- Common bile duck (Difference with Ca head of the pancreas)

Centor score (short note)

Certolizumab (a short profile)

Cervical sympathetic pathway (a note)

Chemosis (definition)

Chest drain (vs aspiration)

Churg-Strauss Syndrome (short note) (diagnostic criteria) (phases)

Circle of Willis (short note)

CKD (why anaemia?)

CNS diseases (causes along with LRT)

Cogan’s syndrome (short note)

Convulsion (causes in pregnancy) (true features - in image)

COPD (ABCD assessment)

Courvoisier’s law (the law)

Cowden’s syndrome (short note)

Creatine kinase (causes of elevation)

Cretinism (differences with down syndrome)

Crohn’s disease (vs ulcerative colitis)

Crush syndrome (causes)

Cryoglobulinemia (short note)

Culture negative endocarditis (causes)

CURB-65 (score system)


DAS28 (A note on the score)

Dermis (short description)

Digoxin (causes of toxicity) (features of toxicity - image)

DMARDs (available drugs list)

DM-Diabetes Mellitus (available drugs)

Down syndrome (differences with cretinism)

Drug-induced lung fibrosis (causes - in image)

Drugs-group (for DM) (Biological drugs for rheumatic diseases)

Drugs causing (serotonin syndrome)

Dysphagia (causes) (definition - in image)


Elbow pain (causes)

Empyema thoracis (lab findings - in image)

EN-Erythema nodosum (causes)

Endocarditis (cause of culture-negative endocarditis) (clinical features - in image)

Ependyma (types)

Epidermis (cells and layers and appendages)

Erythema multiforme (causes)

Erythema nodosum (causes)

Etanercept (a short profile)


FH-Familial hypercholesterolemia (diagnostic criteria)

Felty’s syndrome (short note)

FeverPAIN score (short note)

First-degree AV block (causes)


Gardner syndrome (short note)

GCS- Glasgow coma scale (scale and clinical assessment)

Generalized musculoskeletal pain (causes)

Gilbert's syndrome (short note)

Gitelman’s syndrome (short note) (differences with Bartter’s syndrome and Liddle’s syndrome)

Glasgow criteria or score (in acute pancreatitis)

GOLD grade (for COPD)

Golfer’s elbow (causes) (differences with Tennis elbow)

Golimumab (a short profile)

Gout (causes)

Guillain Barre syndrome (short note)

Gynaecomastia (causes)


Histiocytosis X (short note)

HPS- Hepatopulmonary syndrome (a note) (severity of HPS)

Horner's syndrome (causes) (definition) (short note)

Hormones (profile in amenorrhea)

HRS- Hepatorenal Syndrome (short note)

Hunter serotonin toxicity criteria (the criteria)(image)

Hyperuricemia (causes)


Infective endocarditis (clinical features - in image) (diagnostic criteria)

Infliximab (a short profile)

Inflammation (features and causes- image)

Insulin resistance syndrome (short note)

Internal carotid artery (course and branches)


Jacod syndrome (short note)

Jaundice (causes of various jaundice) (difference due to CBD stone and Ca head of the pancreas


Kallmann syndrome (definition)

Keratoconjunctivitis sicca (definition)

Keratinocyte (short description)


Langerhans cell Histiocytosis (LCH)- (short note)

LBP (causes)

Lesch-Nyhan syndrome (short note)

Liddle’s syndrome (short note) (differences with Bartter’s syndrome and Gitelman’s syndrome)

Locked-in syndrome (definition - in image)

LRT- Lower respiratory tract (causes of disease along with CNS)

Lungs (Radiological zones of the lungs - in image)

Lung fibrosis (causes) (drugs causing fibrosis - in image)

Lupus nephritis ( WHO classification, h/o classification, treatments)


MacDonald criteria (for MS)

Macrocytosis (causes)

MAHA- microangiopathic hemolytic anemia (causes)

Malignant hypertension (definition - in image)

Megaloblast in the bone marrow (causes)

Melanocytes (short description)

Meltzer's triad (components - in image)

Metabolic syndrome (short note)

Methaemoglobinaemia (causes)

Meningitis (clinical clues)

Merkel cells (short description)

Miller-Fisher syndrome (small note)

Minimally conscious state (definition- in image)

mMRC dyspnea scale (image)

Modified Blatchford score (score system)

Modified Duke criteria (for infective endocarditis)

Monoarthritis (causes)

MS - multiple sclerosis (diagnostic criteria)

Multiple hamartoma syndrome (short note)

Muscle pain or weakness (causes)

Musculoskeletal pain (causes)

Myopathic muscle weakness (a short description)

Myopathy (definition and types of myopathies - in image)

Myopathy and inflammatory myositis (diagnostic criteria)


Neck pain (causes)

Nervous system (cells) (classifications)

Neuroglia (types)

NMS-Neuroleptic malignant syndrome (short note) (vs serotonin syndrome)

Neurons (classifications)


Obstructive jaundice (causes)

Odynophagia (a short note- in image)

Ophthalmoplegia (definition)

Orbital apex syndrome (short note)


p-ANCA (short note)

PAN- Polyarteritis nodosa (diagnostic criteria)

Panhypopituitarism (causes) (definition and synonyms)

Papilloedema (causes)

Parotid gland (causes of enlargement)

Peripheral nerve (causes of thickening) (structure - in image)

Peutz-Jeghers syndrome (PJS)(short note)

Pleural effusion (cause of low pH and Low glucose effusion)

Pneumothorax (BST treatment guideline) (types)

Polyarthritis (causes)

Polymyositis (diagnostic criteria)

Polyneuropathy (types)

Polyps (Hamartomatous polyps vs adenomatous polyp- image)

Posterior circulation (of the brain)

PPCM- Peripartum cardiomyopathy (diagnostic criteria)

Pregnancy (causes of seizure/convulsion)

Primary hypoadrenalism (causes)

Prolonged QT interval (causes)

Proptosis (definition)

Proximal muscle pain or weakness (causes)

PSC- Primary Sclerosing cholangitis (short note)

PV- Polycythemia vera (diagnostic criteria)

P450 (enzyme inhibitors and inducers) (drugs affected by- in image)


QT interval (causes of prolongation)


Ranson criteria (the scoring system)

Rhabdomyolysis (causes)

Rheumatoid arthritis (diagnostic criteria)

Rituximab (a short profile)

Rochon-Duvigneaud's syndrome (short note)

Rockall score (short note)

Roth’s spot (causes)


SCD - sudden cardiac death (causes)

SCORTEN (factors for scorten)

Secukinumab (a short profile)

Seizure (causes in pregnancy) (true features - in image)

Seminomas (image)

Serotonin syndrome (short note) (toxicity criteria) (vs NMS)

Sheehan syndrome (definition)

Simon Broome criteria (for FH)

SIRS-Systemic inflammatory response syndrome (criteria for diagnosis

Sjögren's syndrome (short note)

Skin (layers)

Sore throat (antibiotic choice in the acute sore throat)

Superior orbital fissure (boundary and structures passing)

Superior orbital fissure syndrome (short note)

Sweet syndrome (short note)

Syndrome X (short note)


TEN- Toxic epidermal necrolysis (severity score and mortality rate

Tennis elbow (causes) (differences with Golfer’s elbow)

Teratoma (testicular - image)

Testicular tumours (types and short note)

Thickened peripheral nerve (causes)

Tocilizumab (a short profile)

Troponin (causes of raised troponins)

Truelove-Witts criteria (for acute UC)

Type IV collagen fibre (short description)


UK criteria (for brain death)

Ulcerative colitis (vs Crohn’s disease)

Ustekinumab (a short profile)


Vegetative state (definition- in image)

Venous thrombosis (causes) (differences with arterial thrombosis)

Vertebrobasilar artery (course and branches)


WHO criteria (for PV - in image)

WHO classification (for lupus nephritis)



Zieve’s syndrome (short note)


1990 ACR criteria (for PAN)

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