Rockall score:
The Rockall score is a scoring system which is developed to
assess the risk of re-bleeding and/or death in case of acute upper
gastrointestinal bleeding. It is based on clinical and endoscopy findings.
The Rockall scoring system is based on:
- Age
- Circulation (presence or absence of shock)
- Co-morbidities
- Endoscopic findings (Endoscopic diagnosis and stigmata of recent haemorrhage)
Assessing the Rockall score:
- Increasing scores are strongly correlated with increased risk of mortality, correlation with risk of re-bleeding is also present but not as strong.
- Each category is scored between 0 and 2 points, with the exception of co-morbidities which has a maximum score of 3.
- The weighting of points corresponds to the additional risk of death, that parameter confers.
- Renal failure, liver failure and disseminated malignancy (metastatic cancer) carry the highest points and thus confer the highest risk of death, of any of the other parameters included in the scoring system.
- An endoscopic finding of gastric ulcer confers a single point.
- The Hemoglobin level is not included within the Rockall scoring system
Predicted mortality rates according to the Rockall risk scores:
- Kumar & Clark’s Clinical Medicine 9e (2016); page: 385; Box no: 13.14 and 13.15
- Step Up to MRCP Review Notes for P1 & P2 By Dr Khaled El Magraby 1st ed 2015; page: 247